John Dodig


John attended Southern Connecticut State University and received a BA degree. He then went to Fairfield University and completed a Masters Degree. At the end of that year of study, John volunteered to work for the Jesuit Foreign Mission as an assistant professor at Al Hikma University in Baghdad, Iraq. 

John has served as a 7th and 8th grade mathematics teacher in a junior high school in New Haven,  Assistant Principal at Daniel Hand High School in Madison, CT,  Principal of Wilbur Cross High School in New Haven,  Principal of Fairfield High School, and Principal at Staples High School in Westport where he served for 11 years. 

John was voted Connecticut Principal of the Year in 1991.  In the academic year 2014-15,  he received the Lambda Legal Award “Making the Case for Equality” and also the Connecticut PTA Principal of the Year Award. In June of 2015, John retired from public education.